To study and verify the Kirchhoff's law.

Steps to perform experiment

STEP 1 : Make connections by dragging nodes from apparatus to the circuit.

   (a) Connect power supply to the circuit (1-9, 2-10).
   (b) Connect voltmeter (3-11, 4-12) and (5-13, 6-14) and (7-15, 8-16) or you can connect any voltmeter to any resistance in circuit.
   (c) Click on the label to delete all the connections for the corresponding nodes.

STEP 2 : Check your connections by clicking on the ‘CHECK’ button.

STEP 3 : Set the values of resistances R1, R2 & R3 by adjusting the sliders on left, these values will remain constant throughout the experiment.

STEP 4 : Click the ‘Power’ button to turn on the power supply.

STEP 5 : Now, vary the voltage value by moving the voltage slider to the right side, the readings on the voltmeter will change accordingly.

STEP 6 : Click on the ‘ADD’ button to add the readings to the observation table.

STEP 7 : Repeat steps 6 and 7 until we reach to the 6th reading (Minimum reading to be taken to plot the graph is 6).

STEP 8 : Click on the ‘PLOT’ button to display the graph.

STEP 9 : Click on ‘PRINT’ button to take out the print of the page.

STEP 10 : Click on ‘RESET’ button to refresh the page.

Steps to perform experiment

STEP 1 : Make connections by dragging nodes from apparatus to the circuit.

    (a) Connect power supply to the circuit (1-9, 2-10).
    (b) Connect ammeters (3-11, 4-12) and (5-13, 6-14) and (7-15, 8-16) or you can connect any ammeter to any resistance in circuit.
    (c) Click on the label to delete all the connections for the corresponding nodes.

STEP 2 : Check your connections by clicking on the ‘CHECK’ button.

STEP 3 : Set the values of resistances R1, R2 & R3 by adjusting the sliders on left, these values will remain constant throughout the experiment.

STEP 4 : Click the ‘Power’ button to turn on the power supply.

STEP 5 : Now, vary the voltage value by moving the voltage slider to the right side, the readings on the ammeter will change accordingly.

STEP 6 : Click on the ‘ADD’ button to add the readings to the observation table.

STEP 7 : Repeat steps 6 and 7 until we reach to the 6th reading (Minimum reading to be taken to plot the graph is 6).

STEP 8 : Click on the ‘PLOT’ button to display the graph.

STEP 9 : Click on ‘PRINT’ button to take out the print of the page.

STEP 10: Click on ‘RESET’ button to refresh the page.