1. The screen of the simulator will display objective,apparatus,theory and procedure.

  2. Click the next button and the simulator will display the experimental setup.(PLZT element which is set up to 45 degree with respect to incident light.)

  3. Set the polarizer and analyser to 0 degree and turn on the laser.

  4. Display the value of the voltage to 0V.

  5. Turn the analyser to 90degree clockwise.

  6. Adjust the voltage to 300V and increase the voltage in the steps of 25V from 300 until 1000V and tabulate the measurement.

  7. Display the graph of I/I0 vs V(volt).

  8. Display the graph of ∆ vs V2.Display the slope and Kerr Constant.

  9. Click on "Result Button" to display results.