Measurement of low resistance by Kelvin’s Double Bridge.
STEP 1 : Make connections as per the instructions given below:
From | M1 | M2 | C1 | P1 | P2 | C2 |
To | M3 | M4 | C3 | P3 | P4 | C4 |
NOTE: If wire is wrongly connected, Click on node number to detach the wire.
STEP 2 : Click on CHECK button for checking the connections.
STEP 3 : Click on the MCB to Turn ON
the circuit.
STEP 4 : Select the value from Multiplier dropdown.
STEP 5 : Now, Varying the value from S and KDB dial dropdown.
STEP 6 : Now push the RED button to check whether the condition is balanced or not.
STEP 7 : Click on ADD button to add the values to the Observation Table when Galvanometer shows zero deflection.
STEP 8 : Add different values to the table by selecting different value of multiplier.
NOTE: Balanced condition button becomes active after wrong combination alert by clicking on ADD button.
STEP 9 : Click on PRINT button to print the webpage.
STEP 10 : Click on RESET button to reset the webpage.