- Silayo, E. H. (1997). “CARTOGRAPHY IN A GIS ENVIRONMENT.” 106–112.
- Introduction to Geographic Information Systems , by Kang Tsung Chang – McGraw- Hill-Higher Education , 3rd Edition with CD-ROM , 2008.
- Introduction to GPS: the Global Positioning System, by EI- Rabbany, Ahmed, Artech House, Inc. 2002.
- Lillesand, T. M., and Kiefer, R. W. (1979). Remote sensing and image interpretation. Remote Sensing Image Interpretation.
- http://www.ngi.gov.za/index.php/technical-information/catography/what-is-cartography
- https://www.gislounge.com/whats-in-a-map/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cartography
- NPTEL Lecture 53 : Map composition https://youtu.be/h99z5NBSXLg
- NPTEL Lecture 19 : Maps and Numbering https://youtu.be/ibwN2-vblyE?feature=shared&t=330
Developer : Dr. Pruthviraj U | NITK
Contributors :
- Aishwarya Shetty| NITK
- Aishwarya Hegde| NITK
- Swathi Shetty| NITK
- Akshaya | NITK