
In real Laboratory

  1. Rotate the flywheel to ensure that it can rotate smoothly (oil the bearings if required) and estimate the minimum number of slotted masses required to move the flywheel
  2. Measure the diameter of the axle and determine the radius using scale or vernier callipers
  3. Wrap the string around the axle by rotating it until the weight is at point A just below the axle and hold it. The length of the string should be such that it becomes detached from the axle when the mass strikes the floor B. Note the number of windings of string around the axle
  4. Measure the distance between point A and the floor B. Make a marking on the rim of the wheel in order to count the number of revolutions of the wheel.
  5. Allow the weights to fall down till it touches the ground. Start the stop-watch just when the weights touch the ground.
  6. Count the number of rotations before the flywheel comes to rest and the time taken for it.
  7. Tabulate the results and repeat the experiment.
  8. Find the value of mass moment of inertia in each trial and calculate the mean moment of inertia of flywheel

In the simulator

In a real experiment, the theoretical mass moment of inertia may be approximately estimated by the measuring the approximate mass of different simplified geometrical components and adding the Mass Moment of Inertia about the central axis (from the known equations of MI of rings, cylinders, rods, etc). In a simulator, the theoretical mass moment of inertia needs to be directly entry using the variables for determining volume and desity

  1. Use sliders to control the Initial Setup to calculate the Theoretical Moment of inertia of the flywheel system . Moment of Inertia be calculated based on radius of flywheel R, thickness of the flywheel t, radius of axle r, length of axle l, density of material ρ and acceleration due to gravity (g). //Provision for locking the Moment of Inertia to be incorporated. (LOCK)
  2. Use the sliders to control experimental setup (mass of the slotted weights m, number of wounds n1/height of fall h)
  3. Allow the mass to fall down by clicking the PLAY button.
  4. The simulator starts counting the rotations and time after the mass has touched the ground using a digital counter and stopwatch respectively.
  5. As the simulation stops the result will diplay.