To study and measurement of power factor of an electrical load.
Steps to perform experiment
STEP 1: Select a load by clicking on the ‘LOAD’ button.
STEP 2: Make connections as per the instructions given below:
(a) 1 to 11
(b) 2 to 12
(c) 3 to 13
(d) 4 to 14
(e) 13 to15
(f) 16 to 17
(g) 5 to 18
(h) 6 to 9
(i) 9 to 10
(j) 8 to 19
(k) 7 to 20
(l) 7 to 14
Note: Click on the label to delete the connection for the corresponding node.
STEP 3: Then check the connections by clicking on the ‘CHECK’ button.
STEP 4: If the alert is ‘Invalid connections’ then click on ‘RESET’ button and make connection again.
STEP 5: If the alert is ‘Right connections’ follow the below steps.
STEP 6: Turn ON the MCB.
STEP 7: Then, switch on the variac by clicking on the button.
STEP 8: Then, click on the variac knob to set the voltage at 230V.
Note: Once, we have click on the variac knob it automatically set to 230 V. So we don't have to set it again.
STEP 9: Then, click on switch to turn it ON.
STEP 10: Click on ‘ADD’ button to add readings to the observation table.
STEP 11: Click on ‘CALCULATE’ button to calculate the power factor of the load.
STEP 12: In calculation section, we have to manually find the power factor of the selected load by using the formulae and verify it with the help of ‘VERIFY’ button.
STEP 13: Change the load and repeat the steps from 6 to 12.
STEP 14: Click on ‘PRINT’ button to take out the print of the page.