Cyclic Voltammetry of ferrocene-ferrocenium system.
● Clean the electrodes and electrochemical cell with double distilled water.
● The glassy carbon electrode is used as a working electrode, the saturated calomel electrode as a reference electrode, and the platinum wire electrode as an auxiliary electrode.
● Prepare two solutions, for solution A weigh 0.018gm of ferrocene and 3.29gm of Bu4NBF4.
● Transfer these salts to a clean 100ml volumetric flask and makeup to 100ml using CH2Cl2.
● For solution B, in another 100ml volumetric flask add 0.018gm of ferrocene, use a pipette to add 1.76ml aqueous H2SO4 , and makeup to 100ml using ethanol.
● Pour 10ml of solution A and solution B into the electrochemical cell, one after the other to obtain the CV graph.
● The graph represents a glassy carbon electrode voltammetry of ferrocene in an organic medium and aqueous medium.