Familiarisation of ICs.

If any two inputs of 3 input ExOR gate are high then output will be ______.
The incorrect input and output lines combination in IC 74266
The 2 input NOR gate output will be high if the inputs are __________.
A logic probe is used to test the pins of a 7411 IC with the following results. Is there a problem with the chip and if so, what is the problem?
If a 3-input OR gate has eight input possibilities, how many of those possibilities will result in a HIGH output?
To build 4 to 1 multiplexer _________IC is required.
Match the logic gates in Column A with their equivalents in Column B.
For the output F to be 1 in the logic circuit shown, the input combination should be
The output Y in the circuit below is always ‘1’, when
In the figure, the LED