Estimation of Project Metrics
Steps for conducting the experiment
General Instructions
Follow are the steps to be followed in general to perform the experiments in Software Engineering Virtual Lab.
- Read the theory about the experiment
- View the simulation provided for a chosen, related problem
- Take the self evaluation to judge your understanding (optional, but recommended)
- Solve the given list of exercises
Experiment Specific Instructions
Following are the instructions specifically for this experiment:
- Select exercise number from the drop down.
- The 'Exercises 1' is to calculate COCOMO model. Select Project Type from the dropdown. Then enter numeric value in project size and Effort Adjustment Factor (EAF) input field. Click on "Calculate" button to view the result.
- The 'Exercises 2' is to identify operators and operands from a given problem statement. Tick on the operators and operands and click on "Check" button.
- The 'Exercises 3' is to calculate total no. of operators and operands from a given problem statement. click on "Calculate" button to view result.
- To view the solution of the exercises, click on the 'Submit' button, and then on the 'View Solution' button.