
In order to perform the experiment, one needs to go through the following steps sequentially:
Step 1: Select Type of Estimation

In the simulation step, choose the type of estimation you want to perform: Point estimation or Interval estimation.

Step 2: Set Parameters

Specify the number of samples you want to take, the confidence interval (for interval estimation), and the type of distribution from which the samples will be drawn.

Step 3: Enter Sample Data

Enter the sample data obtained from the population you are interested in estimating.

Step 4: Select Parameter to Estimate

Choose the parameter from the population that you want to estimate based on the sample data. This could include parameters such as the mean, variance, proportion, etc.

Step 5: View Graphical Representation

After completing the above steps, view the graphical representation of the sample data and the required estimates. This visualization may include plots of the sample data, confidence intervals (for interval estimation), and point estimates (for point estimation).