Error Detection and Correction, Standard Array, Syndrome Decoding


The theory associated with Experiment-4 is divided into two parts:

(1) Standard array decoding
(2) Syndrome decoding

1    Standard array decoding

The decoding consists of estimating the transmitted codeword corresponding to the given received vector. Standard array decoding is a method for decoding linear block codes when the noise is introduced by the binary symmetric channel (BSC) with cross-over probability pp, denoted by BSC (p)(p). For a detailed description of standard array decoding, please refer [1] (Chapter 4, Section 3.5). We shall next briefly discuss how to construct a standard array corresponding to the given linear block code C(n,k)\mathcal{C}(n,k) and then discuss how to decode the given received vector yF2n\mathbf{y} \in \mathbb{F}_2^n using it.
Let v1,v2,,v2k\mathbf{v}_1, \mathbf{v}_2, \ldots, \mathbf{v}_{2^k} be the set of codewords of the given code C(n,k)\mathcal{C}(n,k). A codeword is chosen randomly and transmitted over the BSC to get the received vector yF2n\mathbf{y} \in \mathbb{F}_2^n. Note that for the BSC(p)(p), y\mathbf{y} can be any vector in F2n\mathbb{F}_2^n, irrespective of the transmitted codeword. The core idea of standard array construction consists of dividing all possible 2n2^n vectors into 2k2^k disjoint subsets such that there is exactly one codeword in each subset. Thus the given vector y\mathbf{y} can be associated with the unique codeword that lies in the same subset as that of y\mathbf{y} and in standard array decoding, y\mathbf{y} is decoded to this codeword.

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                 Figure 1: A general structure of the standard array

For BSC(p)(p) with p<1/2p<1/2, an optimal way of dividing these 2n2^n vectors into 2k2^k disjoint subsets provides a standard array. A standard array is a table with 2k2^k columns and 2nk2^{n-k} rows such that a distinct vector in F2n\mathbb{F}_2^n is placed in each entry of this table. For the given row, the vector in the first column is called as the coset leader of that row.The procedure for constructing a standard array is provided below.

  • First row: Put all-zero codeword in the first row and the first column. Thus all-zero vector is the coset leader of the first row. The remaining 2k12^k-1 non-zero codewords are placed in the remaining columns of the first row. Without loss of generality, let v1\mathbf{v}_1 be all-zero codeword and v2,v3,,v2k\mathbf{v}_2, \mathbf{v}_3, \ldots, \mathbf{v}_{2^k} be the non-zero codewords. Then the first row of the standard is illustrated in Figure 1.

  • Rows 22 to 2nk2^{n-k}: For the jjth row, j=2,3,,2nkj = 2, 3, \ldots, 2^{n-k}, do the following:

    - Identify a vector of minimum weight that has not appeared in the rows 11 to j1j-1. This vector is chosen as the coset leader of the jjth row. Let ej\mathbf{e}_j denotes the coset of the jjth row.
    - The remaining entries in the jjth row are obtained by adding ej\mathbf{e}_j to the codeword corresponding to the each column, i.e., the entry in the iith column is given by ej+vi\mathbf{e}_j + \mathbf{v}_i, where i=2,3,,2ki = 2, 3, \ldots, 2^{k} (see Figure 1).

Note that the set of coset leaders {e2,e3,,e2nk}\{ \mathbf{e}_2, \mathbf{e}_3, \ldots, \mathbf{e}_{2^{n-k}}\} need not be unique. Further, the non-zero codewords v2,v3,,v2k\mathbf{v}_2, \mathbf{v}_3, \ldots, \mathbf{v}_{2^k} can be placed in any order in the first row of the standard array. Hence a standard array corresponding to the given code is not unique. Let us consider an example for standard array construction.

Example   1   Let {00000, 11111, 11000,01010, 10101, 00111, 01101, 10010} be the set of codewords of a linear block code of length n=5n=5. Note that the dimension of this code is k=3k=3. A standard array corresponding to this code is given in Table 1. It can be verified that this standard array is not unique

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         Table  1:  Standard array of a linear block code of length 5

Let us now discuss how to decode the given received vector y\mathbf{y} using standard array. This procedure is summarized below.

  • Locate y\mathbf{y} in the standard array. Suppose y\mathbf{y} lies in the iith column.
  • y\mathbf{y} is decoded as vi\mathbf{v}_i, which is the codeword corresponding to the iith column.

Suppose vi\mathbf{v}_i is the transmitted codeword and ej\mathbf{e}_j is the error introduced by the BSC then the received vector will be y=vi+ej\mathbf{y} = \mathbf{v}_i + \mathbf{e}_j. Observe that we will be able to correct such an error pattern via standard array decoding. It can be shown that the set of 2nk2^{n-k} coset leaders are the set of error patterns that can be corrected using standard array decoding.

2    Syndrome decoding

For the given linear block code C(n,k)\mathcal{C}(n,k) with parity check matrix HH, the syndrome of the given vector yF2n\mathbf{y} \in \mathbb{F}_2^n is defined as the vector sF2nk\mathbf{s} \in \mathbb{F}_2^{n-k} given by

syHT.\begin{align*} \mathbf{s} \coloneqq \mathbf{y}H^T. \end{align*}

Consider the following properties of syndromes (proofs can be found in [1]):

  • Property 1: Syndromes of the vectors that lie in the same row of the standard array are the same, i.e., for y1\mathbf{y}_{1} and y2\mathbf{y}_{2} that lie in the same row of the standard array we have y1HT=y2HT.\begin{align*} \mathbf{y}_{1}H^T = \mathbf{y}_{2}H^T. \end{align*}
  • Property 2: Syndromes of the vectors that lie in different rows of the standard array are different, i.e., for y1\mathbf{y}_{1} and y3\mathbf{y}_{3} that lie in different rows of the standard array we have
    y1HTy3HT.\begin{align*} \mathbf{y}_{1}H^T \neq \mathbf{y}_{3}H^T. \end{align*}

Properties 1 and 2 indicate that there are exactly 2nk2^{n-k} distinct syndromes and these are the syndromes of the coset leaders. One this needs to only keep a track of the coset leaders and their corresponding syndrome and simplify the standard array decoding procedure as follows.

  • For the given received vector y\mathbf{y}, compute its syndrome s=yHT\mathbf{s} = \mathbf{y}H^T.
  • Locate the coset leader whose syndrome is equal to this s\mathbf{s}, i.e., locate coset leader el\mathbf{e}_l such that ejHT=s\mathbf{e}_jH^T = \mathbf{s}.
  • Decoded codeword is given by v^=y+ej\hat{\mathbf{v}} = \mathbf{y} + \mathbf{e}_j.

It can be verified that the standard array and syndrome decoding are equivalent and would decode the given y\mathbf{y} to the same codeword. The advantage of syndrome decoding is that storage space required is less as compared with standard array decoding.