To simulate Electromyogram Signal
- Generate Gaussion random signals by changing the frequency.
- Observe the deviation gaussion function by various control.
- Truncate the signal by changing the alfa.
- Observe the power spectrum of sEMG.
The results are obtained by truncating Gaussian function with a Pulse function to obtain on-off intervals. They are shown in the simulation as Modulation signal and Truncation signal. Here the bases of both the signals are changed randomly by shifting the signal back and forth. Once the truncated signal is generated it is multiplied by Gaussian random signal to get sEMG simulated.
The controls provided in the simulation are Duration, Frequency, Variance, Alpha, Signal Amplitude and Noise Amplitude. Duration control is the time for which we want simulation. Frequency control is for generation of Gaussian random signal. The deviation of Gaussian function is controlled by Variance control. Alpha control is for controlling duration of Truncation signal. And remaining two controls are for controlling.
Go to the Simulator tab for performing the simulation.