Study of Electrochemical machining process
- Electrochemical machining, J. A. McGeough, in "Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology" (5th edition), Vol. 9, pp 590-606, J. I. Kroschwitz (editor), Wiley-Interscience, NY 2005.
- Machining methods: electrochemical, J. A. McGeough and X. K. Chen, in "Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology" (4th edition), Vol. 15, pp 608-622, J. I. Kroschwitz and M. Howe-Grant (editors), Wiley-Interscience, NY 1995.
- A Study of Electrical Discharges in Electrolyte by High-Speed Photography, X. Ni, J. A. McGeough, and C. A. Greated, 4. "Journal of Electrochemical Society" Vol. 140, pp 3505-3512, 1993.
Study of Pulse Electrochemical Machining Characteristics, K. P. Rajurkar, J. Kozak, and B. Wei, "Annals International College for Production Research" Vol. 42, pp 231-234, 1993.
- Advanced Methods of Machining, J. A. McGeough, Chapman and Hall, London, 1988.
- Newcomers for Production, G. Bellows, in "Non-Traditional Machining Guide 26" pp 28-29, Metcut Research Associates Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio, 1976.
- Electrochemical machining, J. Kaczmarek, in "Principles of Machining by Cutting, Abrasion and Erosion" pp 487-513, Peregrinus, Stevenage UK, 1976.
- Principles of Electrochemical Machining, J. A. McGeough, Chapman and Hall, London, 1974.
- Nonconventional Machining, P. K. Mishra, The Institute of Engineers (India) textbook Series, Narosa Publishing House, pp. 59-80.