Study of Electrochemical machining process


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  3. A Study of Electrical Discharges in Electrolyte by High-Speed Photography, X. Ni, J. A. McGeough, and C. A. Greated, 4. "Journal of Electrochemical Society" Vol. 140, pp 3505-3512, 1993. Study of Pulse Electrochemical Machining Characteristics, K. P. Rajurkar, J. Kozak, and B. Wei, "Annals International College for Production Research" Vol. 42, pp 231-234, 1993.
  4. Advanced Methods of Machining, J. A. McGeough, Chapman and Hall, London, 1988.
  5. Newcomers for Production, G. Bellows, in "Non-Traditional Machining Guide 26" pp 28-29, Metcut Research Associates Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio, 1976.
  6. Electrochemical machining, J. Kaczmarek, in "Principles of Machining by Cutting, Abrasion and Erosion" pp 487-513, Peregrinus, Stevenage UK, 1976.
  7. Principles of Electrochemical Machining, J. A. McGeough, Chapman and Hall, London, 1974.
  8. Nonconventional Machining, P. K. Mishra, The Institute of Engineers (India) textbook Series, Narosa Publishing House, pp. 59-80.