Ductility Test on Bitumen

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Simulation Demo:

  • https://youtu.be/QngE2lkOUXI
  • References Contributors list
    1. IS 1208 -1978 Edition 2.1 (2004-10): Methods for Testing Tar and Bituminous Materials: Determination of Ductility (First Revision).
    2. L. R. Kadiyali, Transportation Engineering, Khanna Publishing, 2016.
    3. N. L. Arora, A Textbook of Transportation Engineering, New India Publication, 1997.
    4. International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology (IJIET).
    5. https://www.ametektest.com/learningzone/testtypes/ductility-testing
    6. https://theconstructor.org/transportation/types-of-bitumen-properties-uses/15709/
    7. https://www.civil.iitb.ac.in/tvm/1100_LnTse/405_lnTse/plain/plain.html
    Developer: Dr. Pruthviraj U | NITK
    • Akshaya | NITK
    • Swathi Shetty | NITK
    • Aishwarya Shetty | NITK
    • Aishwarya Hegde | NITK
    • H.D Sumanth (16Cv114) | NITK
    • Ujwal M (16CV146) | NITK
    • Vathan K (16CV147) | NITK
    • Sushamitha Wadde | NITK