
In real Laboratory

  1. Measure the dimensions of the object using a vernier caliper.

  2. Tabulate the properties of the object such as mass, size projected area, and properties of the fluid (density and coefficient of drag).

  3. Clamp the releasing mechanism on the stand and set it at the desired height inside the cylinder. Fix a ruler or mark the desired graduation on the cylinder.

  4. Ensure that all openings are fully closed and air-tight. If the setup is used to determine the terminal velocity of a fluid, fill the cylinder with the fluid up to the electromagnet. If the setup is used to obtain acceleration due to gravity, activate the vacuum system till the cylindrical chamber is in vacuum.

  5. Clamp the light gates at definite intervals (20 cm or less) along the height of the cylinder using the graduations marked on it. The light gates should be properly aligned so that the object passes through the light gate on falling.

  1. Secure the object in position by the electromagnet system that can be released using a switch. The switch also activates the timer which is initially set to zero. If the object is to be released in liquid, wet it with the liquid before securing it on the electromagnet. This avoids the formation of small air bubbles which sometimes cling to the object.

  2. Ensure that the light gates and electromagnet are properly connected to the data logger, computer system and the power supply.

  3. Press the switch to release the steel object attached to the electromagnet and ensure that the computer system records the time when the object passes through each of the light gates and the time taken for the object to pass through a gate.

  4. Note the values.

  5. Draw graphs of velocity-time, drag force-time

  6. The experiment may be repeated a number of times and tabulated above to get a mean value of the parameters measured.

In Simulation