Determination of Biological Oxygen Demand

Lagu PaTa :

Simulation demo :

  • Experimental demo :


  • References Contributors list
    1. IS 3025 (Part 44)-1993: Method of Sampling and Test (Physical and Chemical) for Water and Wastewater, Biochemical Oxygen Demand, First Revision.

    2. AWWA, WEF, APHA, 1998, Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (Method: 5210B,5-day BOD).

    3. Sawyer, C.N., McCarty, P.L., and Parkin, G.F. 2000. Chemistry for Environmental Engineering 4th Edition. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.
    Developer : Dr. Pruthviraj U | NITK

    Contributors :
    • Anusha B Salian | NITK
    • Swathi Shetty | NITK
    • Aishwarya Shetty | NITK
    • Aishwarya Hegde | NITK
    • Gautam Anand (17CV213) | NITK
    • Ravi Kumar Rahul (17CV136) | NITK
    • Sandesh Mantri (17CV222) | NITK