Design of ultrasonic sensors and its application


Prerequisite :
  • Answer all the questions and click on "Submit Test" button
  • Click on next level button which will appear in place of submit button below the test
Simulator :
  1. Select frequency, distance, and medium

  2. Click on "CHECK CONFIGURATION" button

  3. Use the formula and calculate time of flight and click on submit button

    Time = [(Distance * 2) /Speed of Sound] X 1000

  4. You need to take 6 readings (calculations) by selecting different configurations (frequency, distance)

  5. After completing 6 readings, click on "GO FOR LEVEL MEASUREMENT" button

Level mesurement
  1. Select tank height (cm), and water level for level measurement

  2. Click on "CHECK CONFIGURATION" button

  3. Click on "Inlet" valve to fill the water in tank

  4. Click on " START" button

  5. Enter calculated time in textbox and click on "SUBMIT" button

  6. Click on "STOP" button given on mimic frame

  7. Repeat above steps and take 4 readings for level measurement

  8. Click on Result button for performance accessment