
On the Home menu of simulation you can view a graph with default values in 'No of nodes' and 'Starting node'. To change values and generate Custom graphs with 'n' number of nodes user follow below steps:

  1. Change the radio button from 'Random' to 'Manual'
  2. Enter the no of nodes you want to generate in the Number of Nodes field.
  3. Click on each adjascent nodes together to generate edges inbetween
  4. Repeat the step 3 untill you made the graph
  5. Enter the Starting node number in the 'Starting Node' field
  6. Press the 'GO' Button to start traversing of node using Depth First Search.
  7. Press the 'RESET' botton to Reset to the presets of simulation/start again.

Random Graphs can also be generated in the simulation as follows:

  1. Select 'Random' radio button in Create Edges
  2. Enter the no. of nodes needed in 'Number of nodes' text field.
  3. Enter the starting Node number in 'Starting Node' field.
  4. Press the 'Go' Buton to start the traversing in randomly generated graph.
  5. Press the 'RESET' botton to Reset to the presets of simulation/start again.

The graph trversal based on DFS algorithm starts excecuting on clicking "GO"command button from the web interface.