Design of D-Latch using SPICE Code
In an NGSPICE simulation of a D-Latch with pass transistor multiplexer, which statement correctly defines the pass transistor behavior?
In NGSPICE, how is the D-Latch clock signal usually defined in the simulation netlist?
In NGSPICE, what does the '.tran' statement typically represent in a simulation netlist?
What is the purpose of including parasitic capacitance in the NGSPICE simulation of a D-Latch circuit?
How does the NGSPICE '.include' statement contribute to the simulation of a D-Latch circuit?
In NGSPICE, what is the significance of the '.options' statement in a simulation netlist?
How is the pass transistor multiplexer usually modeled in NGSPICE for a D-Latch circuit?
What is the role of the '.control' block in an NGSPICE simulation netlist?
What is the significance of the 'VDD' node in an NGSPICE simulation netlist of a D-Latch circuit?
How does the NGSPICE '.measure' statement contribute to the analysis of a D-Latch simulation?