Stress-Strain Curve of Various Materials


  1. The simulation is divided in two parts one is instruction parts and the other is tool part. The instruction part shows the instructions to be followed while running the simulator and the tools part has all the tools involved in the simulator.
  2. Click on the instructions tab to see the instructions for simulator.
  3. Drag the Iron sample and vernier calliper to the canvas. Before laoding the sample to UTM we need to check the initial length of sample. To take the length of sample drag the sample to vernier calliper and record the length.
  4. After taking the length of the sample place it on UTM machine to perform the tensile test of Iron.
  5. Then click on start test button. A graph of stress vs strain can be seen in the instructions tab.
  6. After the test, follow the instructions to unload the sample from machine.
  7. Drag the vernier calliper to the canvas and measure the final length of sample.
  8. Click on result to see the change in dimensions of sample.