Cumulative Distribution Function

Experiment Procedure

To run the experiment, one needs to follow the steps outlined below:

Step 1: Select Distribution

In the simulation step, you will first need to choose the distribution of the random variable. You can select either a Discrete or Continuous distribution for the distribution plot.

Step 2: Set Parameters

After selecting the distribution type, proceed to set all the parameters according to the chosen distribution. These parameters define the shape, location, and scale of the distribution.

Step 3: Define Event

Next, set the event whose probability needs to be evaluated. Depending on the experiment, this event could vary. For example, it could be finding the probability of obtaining a certain value or falling within a specific range.

Step 4: Start Experiment

Once all parameters and the event are set, click the 'Go' button to start the experiment. This will trigger the calculation of the cumulative distribution function based on the selected distribution and parameters.

Step 5: View Results

After the experiment is initiated, the graphical representation of the cumulative distribution function will be displayed. This representation provides insight into the probability distribution of the random variable and how it relates to the defined event.

By following these steps sequentially, users can effectively experiment and observe the behavior of the cumulative distribution function based on different distributions and parameters.