Points & Co-ordinate Systems

Experiment Procedure

  1. Understanding Point Representation:

    • Navigate to Instance -> Shape -> Vertices and locate the node corresponding to the point.
    • Edit the coordinates of the point to observe how it is displayed.
  2. Modifying Coordinate System:

    • Navigate to Instance -> Coordinate System and adjust the origin and axis directions.
    • Observe how the point is redrawn using the modified coordinate system.
    • Take note of the absolute coordinates displayed.
  3. Homogeneous Coordinates:

    • Points shown within '[' and ']' use homogeneous coordinates.
    • Modify the fourth component (w) and observe how it scales the point's coordinates.
  4. Absolute vs. Relative Coordinates:

    • Edit the absolute coordinates of the point and observe how relative coordinates are calculated with respect to the coordinate system.
  5. Switch to 3D:

    • Under the Display tab, switch to 3D view.
    • Perform all previous actions in 3D.
    • Use right mouse button drag to rotate the view and the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.

Note: This experiment focuses on understanding the representation of points in 2D and 3D space using both orthogonal and non-orthogonal coordinate systems in the context of computer graphics.