Convolutional Codes and Viterbi Decoding


The theory associated with Experiment-5 is divided into two parts:

(1) Encoding of convolutional codes
(2) Viterbi decoding

1 Encoding of convolutional codes

In experiment 1, we studied block codes and linear block codes. Convolutional codes are linear codes, but they are not "block" codes. For a block code, the given long stream of input bits is first divided into short message blocks and then a codeword is assigned to each message block. In convolutional codes, the input bitstream is directly given to the encoder, without dividing it into short message blocks. The output of convolutional encoder is the encoded bitstream corresponding to the input bitstream. Another main difference between block codes and convolutional codes is that the convolutional encoder has a "memory". For a convolutional code, the encoded output bit at any given time depends not only on the current input bits but also on previous input bits, hence the encoder is said to have a memory.

We shall now recall some basics about convolutional encoder. We shall focus on non-systematic feedforeward encoders of rate 1/n1/n. Please refer [1], [2] for a detailed discussion about convolutional codes. We shall introduce the basics of convolutional encoder through an example. Throughout this section, we shall focus on the rate 1/21/2 convolutional encoder illustrated in Figure~1. As shown, this encoder consists of the system formed by two shift register, two adders, and the corresponding connections. The memory mm of this encoder is equal to the number of shift registers.
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For Figure 1, we have m=2m=2. The input bitstream is denoted by u=[u0,u1,u2,...]\mathbf{u} = [u_0, u_1, u_2, ...] such that at time instant tt, the bit utu_t enters the system. The contents of the shift registers at time tt are ut1u_{t-1} and ut2u_{t-2} respectively. For the sake of simplicity we shall assume that at time t=0t=0, the contents of both the shift registers are empty, i.e., bit 00 is stored at both the registers.The output of the encoder consists of two bitstreams denoted by v(0)=[v0(0),v1(0),v2(0),...]\mathbf{v}^{(0)} = [v_0^{(0)}, v_1^{(0)}, v_2^{(0)}, ...] and v(1)=[v0(1),v1(1),v2(1),...]\mathbf{v}^{(1)} = [v_0^{(1)}, v_1^{(1)}, v_2^{(1)},...] such that the final encoded bitstream is given by v\mathbf{v} == [v0(0),v0(1),v1(0),v1(1),v2(0),v2(1),...][v_0^{(0)}, v_0^{(1)}, v_1^{(0)}, v_1^{(1)}, v_2^{(0)}, v_2^{(1)}, ...].

Let g(0)\mathbf{g}^{(0)} and g(1)\mathbf{g}^{(1)} denote the connections corresponding to the first and second output of the encoder. In general, each g(j)\mathbf{g}^{(j)} corresponds to the impulse response of the linear system corresponding to the encoder. For a non-systematic feedforeward encoder with memory mm, each g(j)\mathbf{g}^{(j)} will be a vector of length m+1m+1 given by g(j)=[g0(j)g1(j)gm(j)...]\mathbf{g}^{(j)} = [g_0^{(j)} g_1^{(j)} g_m^{(j)} ...]. g(0)\mathbf{g}^{(0)} and g(1)\mathbf{g}^{(1)} are called generator sequences of the encoder. For the encoder illustrated in Figure 1, g(0)\mathbf{g}^{(0)} and g(1)\mathbf{g}^{(1)} are given by g(0)=[111]\mathbf{g}^{(0)} = [1 1 1]                                           (1) g(1)=[011].\mathbf{g}^{(1)} = [0 1 1]. The tt-th output bit vt(j)v_t^{(j)} of output sequence v(j)\mathbf{v}^{(j)} for j=1,2j = 1, 2 is given by
             vt(j)=v_t^{(j)} = u\mathbf{u} \star g(j)\mathbf{g}^{(j)}        :=:= i=0m\sum_{i=0}^m utigi(j)u_{t-i} g_i^{(j)}

             == utu_t g0(j)g_0^{(j)} ++ ut1u_{t-1} g1(j)g_1^{(j)} ++ ... ++ utmu_{t-m} gm(j)g_m^{(j)},
where \star denotes the convolution operation. From Eq (1), for the encoder illustrated in Figure 1, at any time instance tt, vt(0)v_t^{(0)} and vt(1)v_t^{(1)} are given by
             vt(0)v_t^{(0)} == ut+ut1+ut2u_t + u_{t-1} + u_{t-2}

             vt(1)v_t^{(1)} == ut1+ut2u_{t-1} + u_{t-2}.

It can be seen that the tt-th output bit depends on mm previous input bits and hence the encoder is said to have memory mm. Since the output bit is obtained by taking convolution of the input bitstream and the generator sequence, this code is called as convolutional code.

Observe that for the example of Figure 1, for each input bit utu_t, we get two output bits (vt(0)v_t^{(0)} and vt(1)v_t^{(1)}) and hence the rate of this code is equal to 1/21/2. Similarly one can have rate 1/n1/n convolutional code. Note that one can design a convolutional code with any arbitrary rate k/nk/n with k>1k>1. For a rate k/nk/n convolutional code, for kk input bits we get nn output bits. In Figure 1, we considered non-systematic feedforeward encoder implementation. One can also have various other encoder implementations. A detailed discussion about these topics can be found in [1] and [2].

1.1 State and trellis diagram of a convolutional code

The operation of a convolutional code can be described conveniently using the state and trellis diagram associated with it. We will continue using example of Figure 1 to explain the basics of state and trellis diagram. Recall that for this example, at any time instant tt, the input bit is utu_t, the contents of the shift registers are ut1u_{t-1} and ut2u_{t-2}, and the output bits are vt(0)v_t^{(0)} and vt(1)v_t^{(1)}.

The state of an encoder is defined as the contents of its shift registers. Let σt\sigma_t denotes the state at time tt. Then for Figure 1, σt\sigma_t is given by

             σt\sigma_t == (ut1ut2)(u_{t-1} u_{t-2}).

It can be seen that σt\sigma_t can take all possible 44 values (00,01,10,1100, 01, 10,11) corresponding to all possible values ut1u_{t-1} and ut2u_{t-2} can take. Suppose the encoder is at state σt=(ut1ut2)\sigma_t = (u_{t-1} u_{t-2}). Then for the input utu_t the encoder will jump to to state σt+1=(utut1)\sigma_{t+1} = (u_{t} u_{t-1}) and the corresponding output bits will be vt(0)=ut+ut1+ut2v_t^{(0)}= u_t + u_{t-1} + u_{t-2} and vt(1)=ut1+ut2v_t^{(1)}= u_{t-1} + u_{t-2}.

For example, let σt=(ut1ut2)=(10)\sigma_t = (u_{t-1} u_{t-2})= (1 0). Then for input ut=1u_t = 1 the encoder will jump to state (11)(1 1) and the corresponding output bits will be vt(0)=0v_t^{(0)} = 0 and vt(1)=1v_t^{(1)}= 1. All possible combinations of states and their transitions corresponding to all possible inputs is compactly represented using the state diagram. The state diagram of the encoder of Figure 1 is illustrated in Figure . In this figure, the transitions corresponding to input 11 are indicated using red color and transitions corresponding to input 00 are indicated using blue color. We shall use this color representation throughout the theory overview.

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It can be seen that for the given input bitstream, the corresponding encoded output bitstream can be obtained conveniently by considering the transitions of the system from one state to another and noting the corresponding output bits. This time evolution of the state diagram is called as a trellis diagram. For any time instant tt, σt\sigma_t and σt+1\sigma_{t+1} are called as present state and next state respectively.

The trellis diagram corresponding to the state diagram of Figure 2 or three time instances is shown in Figure 3. Suppose σ0=(00)\sigma_0 = (00). Then for u0,u1,u2=1,0,1u_0, u_1, u_2 = 1, 0, 1 the corresponding the time evolution is illustrated in Figure 3 via thick lines. It can be seen that the output bitstream will be v=[v0(0),v0(1),v1(0),v1(1),v2(0),v2(1)]=[1,0,1,1,0,1]\mathbf{v} = [v_0^{(0)}, v_0^{(1)}, v_1^{(0)}, v_1^{(1)},v_2^{(0)}, v_2^{(1)}] = [1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]. Note that any path in this trellis corresponds to a valid codeword and vice versa. alt text

2 Viterbi decoding

In this section, we shall study Viterbi algorithm for decoding convolutional codes. This is an optimum, maximum likelihood (ML) decoding algorithm. Recall that in Experiment-4, we studied standard array and syndrome decoding, which was also an ML decoding algorithm. In Experiment-5, we consider the situation when the noise is introduced by the binary symmetric channel with crossover probability pp, denoted by BSC(pp) and provide a version of Viterbi algorithm that can be applied when noise is introduced by the BSC(pp). Note that Viterbi algorithm, in general, can be applied other channel models as well (see [1], [2] for details).

We shall continue using example of Figure~1 to illustrate the Viterbi algorithm. Let us denote the received bitstream by y0(0),y0(1),y1(0),y1(1),,yt(0),yt(1),,yN1(0),yN1(1)y_0^{(0)}, y_0^{(1)}, y_1^{(0)}, y_1^{(1)}, \ldots, y_t^{(0)}, y_t^{(1)}, \ldots, y_{N-1}^{(0)}, y_{N-1}^{(1)}. For decoding this received sequence using Viterbi algorithm, the corresponding trellis with NN time instances is considered such that the received bits yt1(0),yt1(1)y_{t-1}^{(0)}, y_{t-1}^{(1)} are associated with the tt-th section of the trellis for t=1,2,,Nt = 1, 2, \ldots, N (see Figure 3). For the sake of simplicity we assume that the encoder starts at all-zero state. However, note that one can adapt Viterbi algorithm to situation when encoder does not start with all-zero state as well. Let us denote the states 00,01,10,00, 01, 10, and 1111 by S1,S2,S3,S_1, S_2, S_3, and S4S_4 respectively.

Viterbi algorithm can be divided into two parts; forward pass and reverse pass. In the forward pass, we move from left to right in the trellis and in the reverse pass we move from right to left. In order to illustrate the steps of Viterbi algorithm, we need to introduce two terminologies; state metric and path metric. As the name indicates, state metric is associated with all possible states at any time instant tt in the NN-step trellis diagram. Similarly, path metric is associated with all possible paths from state σt\sigma_t to state σt+1\sigma_{t+1}, at any time instant tt. For the BSC, state and path metrics are some positive integers and their values are updated as the algorithm progresses.

Before providing the detailed steps of the algorithm, let us first focus on the steps of the algorithm at any time instance tt. Consider the section of the trellis at any time instance tt as illustrated in Figure 4. For the sake of simplicity of notation, we will not use the subscript tt in this discussion. Let r1r_1 and r2r_2 be the received bits associated with this section of the trellis. Observe that in any trellis section, there are total 88 paths from a present state to next state. The path metric associated with any path is equal the Hamming distance dH([r1r2],[vt1(0)vt1(1)])d_H([r_1 r_2], [v_{t-1}^{(0)} v_{t-1}^{(1)}]) between the vector [r1r2][r_1 r_2] and codebits [vt1(0)vt1(1)][v_{t-1}^{(0)} v_{t-1}^{(1)}] associated with that path.
Let aia_i and bib_i be the state metrics associated with the state SiS_i at present and next time instances respectively, for i=1,2,,4i = 1, 2, \ldots, 4. Suppose the state metrics aia_i associated with the present states are known. Then the state metrics bib_i associated with the next states are computed as illustrated in Figure 4. Observe that at time instant t+1t+1, there are exactly two arriving paths at any state and the computation of bib_i corresponds to choosing the path with minimum weight. Further at any next state, discard the arriving path that corresponds to larger value.If there are ties, discard any path arbitrarily.

For example, suppose a1=1,a2=2,a_1 = 1, a_2=2, and [r1r2]=[10][r_1 r_2] = [1 0]. Then b1b_1 will be computed as follows
           b1b_1 == min(a1+dH([r1r2],[00]),a2+dH([r1r2],[11]))\min(a_1+d_H\big([r_1 r_2], [0 0]\big), a_2+d_H\big([r_1 r_2], [1 1]\big)\Big)
           == min(1+dH([10],[00]),2+dH([10],[11]))\min\Big(1+d_H\big([1 0], [0 0]\big), 2+d_H\big([1 0], [1 1]\big)\Big)
           == min(1+1,2+1)\min\Big(1+1, 2+1\Big)
           == 2.2.
The path from S2S_2 to S1S_1 is discarded from the trellis since it has a larger weight.
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It can be observed from the previous paragraph that, for every state at any time instant tt, the arriving path with the minimum Hamming weight is chosen. This forms the key idea of the Viterbi algorithm. We are now ready now summarize the steps of Viterbi algorithm.

Forward pass :

  • At time instant t=0t=0: The initial metric associated with state S1S_1 is set to 00 and the metrics associated with the remaining states are set to \infty (see Figure 5).
  • For time instances t=1,2,,N1t=1, 2, \ldots, N-1: At any time instant tt, the metric associated with every next state is obtained using the state metrics of the previous states. Detailed steps towards this are described in the previous paragraphs. Further, an arriving path to the given state with larger weight is discarded. In Figure 5, discarded paths are indicated using thin lines. This is done sequentially as we move from left to right till we reach to the end of trellis diagram.

Reverse pass :

  • At the end of the trellis, choose the state with the minimum value. For example in Figure 5, state S1S_1 has the minimum value. This is indicated using bold black box. If there are multiple states with the same minimum value, choose any state arbitrarily.
  • Starting from a state with the minimum value, trace back along the path from right to left till we reach to the beginning of the trellis. This path corresponds to the decoded codebit stream. Figure 5, this is indicated using thick black lines.

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