BJT Common Base Characteristics            


BJT Common Base - Input Characteristics

  1. Initially set rheostat Rh1 = 1 Ω and rheostat Rh2 = 1 Ω
  2. Set the Collector-Base Voltage(VCB) to 1 V by adjusting the rheostat Rh2
  3. Base Emitter Voltage(VBE) is varied by adjusting the rheostat Rh1.
  4. Note the reading of emitter current(IE)in m Ampere.
  5. Click on 'Plot' to plot the I-V characteristics of Common-Base configuration. A graph is drawn with VBE along X-axis and IE along Y-axis.
  6. Click on 'Clear' button to take another sets of readings
  7. Now set the Collector-Emitter Voltage(VCB) to 2 V, 3 V, 4 V


BJT Common Base - Output Characteristics

  1. Initially set rheostat Rh1 = 1 Ω and rheostat Rh2 = 1 Ω
  2. Set the Emitter current(IE)1 mA by adjusting the rheostat Rh1
  3. Vary the Collector-Base Voltage(VCB)is varied by adjusting the rheostat Rh2.
  4. Note the reading of Collector current(IC).
  5. Click on 'Plot' to plot the I-V characteristics of Common-Base configuration. A graph is drawn with VCBalong X-axis and IC along Y-axis.
  6. Click on 'Clear' button to take another sets of readings
  7. Now set the Emitter Current(IE) to 2 mA

Figure: 2