To study the characteristics of a centrifugal pump

  1. Clean the apparatus and make all tanks fee from dust.
  2. Close the drain valve Vs and Vo
  3. Fill sump tank with clean water and ensure that no foreign particle are there.
  4. Open flow control valve V, given on the water discharge line and control valve Vgiven on suction line.
  5. Ensure that all ON/OFF switches given on the panel are at OFF position. Switch on the motor.
  6. Operate the flow control valve V, to regulate the flow of water discharged by the pump.
  7. Operate the control valve Vto regulate the suction of the pump.
  8. Record discharge pressure by means of pressure gauges, provided on discharge line. (Partially closed value V, in case of fluctuation.)
  9. Record suction pressure by means of vacuum gauge, provided suction of pump (partially closed valve V, in case of fluctuation)
  10. Record the time for 10-20 pluses by means of energy meter and stop watch.
  11. Measure the discharge water by using measuring tank and stop watch.
  12. Repeat the same procedure for different discharge with constant speed.