Calibration of V-Notch

These procedure steps will be followed on the simulator

  1. Open the Calibration of V-notch experiment and click on the next button shown at the bottom right corner.

  2. Start the pump by clicking on green button and then click on the next button.

  3. Click on the inlet valve to rotate it.

  4. Click on hand to rotate the inlet valve and click on the next button.

  5. Note the initial reading of the hook gauge and click on the knob.

  6. Calculate head of water and theoretical discharge. Then click the next button.

  7. Click on ball valve to close it and allow the water to rise in collecting tank.

  8. Calculate actual discharge of V-notch and click on the next button.

  9. Repeat the same procedure, after certain trials, click on the red button to stop the pump and click on the next button.

  10. Click on the label button to see the graph.

  11. Click on next button to see the results obtained by the graph.

  12. Note the results obtained by the graph.