
For Directed Graph:
  1. Initialization:
    • Choose the directed graph option.
    • Select whether to create random or custom graph.
    • Enter the number of nodes needed.
    • Click on the "Generate Graph" button to create the directed graph.
  2. Add Heuristic:
    • Optionally, add heuristic values to each node to estimate its distance to the goal node.
  3. Specify Start and End Goals:
    • Mention the start and end goal nodes in the provided input fields.
  4. Search Path:
    • Click on the "Search Path" button to initiate the Best-First Search algorithm.
  5. View Results:
    • Once the algorithm completes, the optimal path from the start to the goal node will be displayed.
  6. Reset:
    • If needed, use the "Reset" button to clear the graph and start over.
    For UnDirected Graph:
    1. Initialization:
      • Choose the Undirected graph option.
      • Select whether to create random or custom graph.
      • Enter the number of nodes needed.
      • Click on the "Generate Graph" button to create the directed graph.
    2. Add Heuristic:
      • Optionally, add heuristic values to each node to estimate its distance to the goal node.
    3. Specify Start and End Goals:
      • Mention the start and end goal nodes in the provided input fields.
    4. Search Path:
      • Click on the "Search Path" button to initiate the Best-First Search algorithm.
    5. View Results:
      • Once the algorithm completes, the optimal path from the start to the goal node will be displayed.
    6. Reset:
      • If needed, use the "Reset" button to clear the graph and start over.