Astable Multivibrator using IC 555
1. How to calculate duty cycle of an astable multivibrator output?
2. What is the formula to calculate the time period of the astable multivibrator?
3. Design a 555 timer as an astable multivibrator with an output signal frequency 0f 800 Hz and 60 % duty cycle.
4. Determine the positive pulse width,negative pulse width and free running frequency for an astable multivibrator using 555 timer. RA=4.7 kohm, RB = 1 ohm, C=1 uF, C1 = 0.01 uF. What is the duty cycle of output waveform?
5. The timer IC555 is used as astable multivibrator. It is desired to have square-wave output with 50% duty cycle of 1 kHz. The timing capacitor is of 0.01uF. Find the values of resistors required and draw the circuit.