Assembling of Electrical Components of Drone


Click Here to Enter the Lab

Click the next button

Click the ok button

Drag Center plate and put it on the center of the table.

Click the ok button

Click on soldering iron for pre-soldering of center plate.

Click the ok button

Drag ESC and put it near the Center plate.

Click on soldering iron to solder ESC's red and black wires with center plate.

NOTE- Repeat the same process with other 3 ESCs.

Click the next button

Test Your Memory

Choose the option and click on the submit button

Click the next button

Click on soldering iron for pre-soldering of center plate.

Click the ok button

Drag deans plug and put it near the center plate.

Click on soldering iron to solder Deans plug's red and black wires with center plate.

Click the ok button

Drag PMU and put it near the center plate.

Click on soldering iron to solder PMU red and black wires with center plate.

Click the next button

Test Your Memory

Choose the option and click on the submit button

Click the next button

Click the ok button

Click on the button of digital multimeter to turn on digital multimeter.

Drag red and black pin one by one of digital multimeter and touch it with the soldering points of deans plug and PMU to check connections.

Again drag black pin and touch it with the other soldering point to check another connection.

NOTE- Check all connections one by one with the help of digital multimeter.

Click the ok button

Drag black and red wires one by one and put it back near digital multimeter.

Click on the button of digital multimeter to turn Off digital multimeter.

Click the ok button

Drag glue gun and drop it on the center plate to apply hot glue on the soldering points to prevent short circuit.

NOTE- Apply hot glue on all the soldering points to prevent short circuit.

Click the next button

Test Your Memory

Choose the option and click on the submit button

Click the next button

Click the ok button

Drag red arm and put it on the middle of the table.

Click the ok button

Drag motor and put it on the red arm.

Click on arm to flip it.

Drag screws one by one and put them on the arm to attach motor.

Click the ok button

Drag Allen Key and drop it on the screws one by one to tight all screws.

NOTE- Repeat the same process with other 3 arms and motors.

Click the next button

Test Your Memory

Choose the option and click on the submit button

Click the next button

Click on center plate to flip the plate.

Drag all arms one by one and put them near the center plate to attach them with center plate.

Drag screws one by one and put them on the center plate to attach arms.

Drag allen key and put it on the center plate to tight all screws.

Click on white arm to see the zoom view.

Drag yellow wire of motor and attach with ESC's socket 1.

Drag black wire of motor and attach with ESC's socket 2.

Drag red wire of motor and attach with ESC's socket 3.

Drag cable tie to tie ESC with arm.

NOTE- Repeat the same process with other 3 ESCs.

Click the next button

Thank You For Performing the Experiment