Measurement of unknown inductance using Anderson’s Bridge.
STEP 1 : Make Connections as per the instructions given below:
- M1 of MCB - P1 of Power & M2 of MCB - P2 of Power
- OS1 of Oscillator - OS3 of Oscillator & OS2 of Oscillator - OS4 of Oscillator
- S1 of Speaker - E of Circuit Diagram
- S2 of Speaker - D of Circuit Diagram
- COM - D of Circuit Diagram
- L1 - Coil of Circuit Diagram
NOTE : If wire is wrongly connected, Click on node number to detach the wire.
STEP 2 : Click on CHECK Button for checking the connections.
STEP 3 : Click on the MCB to Turn ON
the supply.
STEP 4 : Set Oscillator to maximum from dropdown.
STEP 5 : Select the values from various dropdown to get minimum sound from speaker.
STEP 6 : Click on ADD button to add the readings to the Observation Table.
NOTE : If combination is wrong then select another combination & the balanced condition button becomes active after the wrong combination alert by clicking on the ADD button.
STEP 7 : Click on PRINT button to print the webpage.
STEP 8 : Click on RESET button to reset the webpage.