Word Analysis

1. Choose a typical masculine noun, ending in 'A', from your language. Write down its various forms along with various features and their values associated with them.

2. English has a suffix -en whose use is illustrated in the following lists:

List A List B
Red Redden
Mad Madden
Soft Soften
Wide Widen
Sharp Sharpen

In regard to these data, answer the following questions:

A. What part of speech does the suffix -en attach to? That is, what is the part of speech of the words in list A?

B. When the suffix -en is attached to a word, what part of speech is the resulting word? Give some specific morphological properties of one of the words in list B, in order to justify your answer.

3. Take one verb from your mother tongue, gloss it (i.e., give the Engish meaning) and conjugate it in all tenses and aspects and persons.

4. Refer to the following data and answer the question below:

List 1: taller, shorter, higher, lower, smarter <br>
          List 2: mower, teacher, sailor, caller, operator <br>
          List 3: never, cover, finger, river <br>

Are the words ending with 'er'/'or' have some common features?

5. Identify root and suffix in the following words:
