- To differentiate between input and output waveforms in Half wave/full wave rectifier
- To calculate the Ripple Factor
CALCULATIONS: Full Wave Rectifier
- From N 1 * V 2 = N 2 * V 1
- N 1= Number of turns in Primary transformer , N 2= Number of turns in Secondary transformer
- V 1= Primary Voltage , V 2 = Secondary Voltage
- Here, V 2 = V m,V rms= V m/ √2
- V dc= (2 * V m)/ π
- Ripple factor of Full wave Rectifier is, γ = √(V rms/ V dc) 2 - 1
- Theoretical Value of Ripple Factor ≈0.48
- Experimental Value of Ripple factor ,
CALCULATIONS: Half Wave Rectifier
- From N 1 * V 2 = N 2 * V 1
- N 1= Number of turns in Primary transformer , N 2= Number of turns in Secondary transformer
- V 1= Primary Voltage , V 2 = Secondary Voltage
- Here, V 2= V m,V rms= Vm/2
- V dc=Vm/π
- Ripple factor of Half wave Rectifier is ,γ = √(Vrms/Vdc)2-1
- Theoretical Value of Ripple Factor ≈1.21
- Experimental Value of Ripple factor,
INPUT WAVEFORM: Without / With Diode
Voltage(in volts) vs w( in rad/s)
Vo = Vm sinwt

OUTPUT GRAPH: Half Wave Rectifier

OUTPUT GRAPH: Full Wave Rectifier