To determine the softening point of the given sample of bitumen.
Ring and Ball Apparatus, Water Bath with Stirrer, Steel Balls, Bunsen Burner.
The bituminous material is heated to a pouring temperature and is poured into the rings on a metal plate.
Assemble the apparatus in position.
Fill the beaker with distilled water to a height of 50mm above the upper surface of the rings.
Assemble the apparatus with the rings, stirrer and ball guides in position.
Heat the water bath and stir the liquid so that the temperature rises at a uniform rate of 5 ± 0.5 °C per minute.
Observation and Results.
Temperature at which the ball 1 drops =
Temperature at which the ball 2 drops =
Average Temperature =
Softening point of bitumen =
Need Hint🤔Choose based on the maximum temperature recorded in the region.
Both ends of the pipe must be trimmed to ensure parallel faces.
Both ends of the pipe must be trimmed to ensure parallel faces.