Tests on Single Phase Transformer
  •   Procedure:

    1. Set the input voltage at 230V and 50Hz frequency to the autotransformer input.

    2. Switch on the supply, keeping output voltage at auto-transformer at zero (by setting turns ratio of autotransfomer at zero).

    3. Increase the voltage in set up (by increasing the turns ratio of the auto-transformer)upto rated primary voltage(i.e approximate 110 V) and observe the no load current, input power and the primary and secondary voltages corresponding to each value of the applied voltage.

    4. Now click on "simulate" to get the value of the shunt parameters (Ro and Xm) of the transformer.

    5. Click on "fill the Table" tab to tabulate the primary voltage(V1),no load current or primary current(I0), input power(Pi) and secondary voltage(V2)corresponding to each value of the applied voltage in Observation table.

    6. Then change the input voltage to take another observation.

    7. N.B.: Click on the fuse indicator to repair it, if it got fused.
    Tutorials Point

    (in Volt)

    Frequency (in Hz)

    (V1 in Volt)

    (V2 in Volt)

    (Pi in Watt)

    (I0 in Amp)

    Ro  :

    Xm  :

    Observation Table
    Serial no. of ObservationPrimary Voltage V1 (L.V. Side)Primary Current I0 (L.V. Side) (Amp) Input Power Pi (L.V. Side) (Watt)Secondary Volatge V2 (H.V.Side)

  •   Procedure:

    1. Set the input voltage at 230 V and 50Hz frequency to the autotransformer input.

    2. Switch on the supply, keeping output voltage at auto-transformer at zero (by setting turns ratio of autotransfomer at zero).

    3. Increase the voltage in set up slowly (by increasing the turns ratio of the auto-transformer)upto L.V side rated current value(i.e approximate 13.6A) and observe the Short circuit current, input power, primary voltage and secondary current corresponding to each value of the applied voltage.

    4. Now click on "simulate" to get the value of the series parameters (Re and Xe) of the transformer.

    5. Click on "fill the Table" tab to tabulate the primary voltage(V1),no load current or primary current(I1), input power(Pc) and secondary current(I2)corresponding to each value of the applied voltage in Observation table.

    6. Adjust the output voltage of the auto-transformer to get secondary short circuit current of 25%, 59%, 75%, 100% of the rated current..

    7. N.B.: Click on the fuse indicator to repair it, if it got fused.
    Tutorials Point

    (in Volt)

    Frequency (in Hz)

    (V1 in Volt)

    (I2 in Amp)

    (Pc in Watt)

    (I1 in Amp)

    Re  :

    Xe  :

    Observation Table
    Serial no. of ObservationPrimary Voltage V1 (H.V. Side)Primary Current I1 (Amp)(H.V. Side) Input Power Pc (Watt)(H.V. Side)Secondary Current I2 (L.V.Side)

  •   Procedure:

    1. Set the input voltage at 230V and 50Hz frequency to the autotransformer input.

    2. Apply R,L,C at the load from the "SET LOAD" box.

    3. Switch on the supply, keeping output voltage at auto-transformer at zero (by setting turns ratio of autotransfomer at zero).

    4. Increase the voltage in set up slowly (by increasing the turns ratio of the auto-transformer to secondary side rated value(i.e approximate 220 V)and observe the load current (IL), load voltage (VL) , load power factor (pf) and phase (in degree) corresponding to each value of the applied voltage.

    5. Now click on "simulate" to get the efficiency (in %) and voltage regulation (in %) of the transformer.

    6. N.B.: Click on the fuse indicator to repair it, if it got fused.
    Tutorials Point

    (in Volt)

    Frequency (in Hz)

                                                                       SET LOAD
       R:                                                0Ω1 KΩ

       L:                                                50mH0.5 H

       C:                                                0.1F5F

    (In  Ω)

    (In  H)

    (In  F)

    (VL In  Volt)

    (In  Volt)

    (Phase in degree)

    (In Amp)





    Load power factor (pf):