  1. Click on "Start the Experiment" button.
  2. Now, click on "Resolving Gel" button.
  3. Next click on "Stacking Gel" button. Now click on "Place Comb" button. Next click on the gel casting apparatus; and drag and drop into the green dashed box of the buffer tank (leave the mouse when you see the cursor arrow). Then click on the "Remove Comb" button.
  4. Click on "Prepare Protein Samples" button. Check the checkboxes and click "Spin (1100rpm for 1 min)" button.
  5. Now click on "Add Running Buffer" button, then on the buffer bottle to fill up the electrophoresis chamber with SDS gel running buffer.
  6. From the "Load Samples" dropdown button select "Load Molecular Marker (M)". Click on the micropipette to draw the molecular marker into the micropipette. Once it is placed over the first well of the gel, click on the mircopipette to load the molecular marker. Repeat for Load Sample A, B, and C to the consecutive wells.
  7. Click on "Setting up Electrophoresis" button. Click the top cover of the electrophoresis chamber to close it.
  8. Next to make the connection, click on the negative connector of electrophorersis chamber, and drag to negative connector of power supply. Click on positive connector of electrophorersis chamber, and drag to positive connector of power supply. For any wrong connection, click on the wire to disconnect. (The positive connector is colored red, whereas the negative connector is colored black.)
  9. Now click on "V" button of the power supply to switch ON. And click on "+" sign button of the power supply to set the voltage bewteen 80 V and 100 V.
  10. Click on the run icon button to run the gel and run until bromophenol blue reaches the bottom of the gel.
  11. Click on the stop icon button to switch OFF the power and disconnect the wires(click on the wire to disconnect). Click on the top cover of the electrophoresis to open it.
  12. Check the components required for staining and click "Start Staining" button. Click on "Stop Staining" button. Then check the components required for de-staining and click on "Start De-staining" button and stop it by clicking "Stop De-staning" button.
  13. Next Click on "Visualization under UV light" button, to see the result.
Note: To repeat the experiment, click on the "Re-Do the Experiment" button.
Input Panels
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6

Step 7
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