Machine set up

ductsetup inner view of duct pitottube connect1 connect2 connect3 pressurebox scale

Control Elements

Are you ready with the experiment?


The following procedure is to be follwed by the user in order to Precise traversing in a duct Pitot tube:

  1. Enter the number of measuring points for the traversing. Press "Yes" button to start traversing using pitot tube.
  2. Then press the button "1st Point" to measure the first point traversing.
  3. To add result to the observation table, press the button "add to the obeservation table" .
  4. After that measure the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th point till the 11th point doing the same process.
  5. For every measure points, press the button "Add result to observation table" to add the results to the table.
  6. After all the points are measured Click on "Plot Graph" and then click on "Best Fit Graph"