Phase Shift Oscillator


  1. To design a phase shift oscillator and find Frequency.

Transistor, oscilloscope, breadboard, resistors, capacitors, wires, voltmeter.

transistor Transistor
capacitor Capacitor
resistor Resistor
opamp Opamp
oscilloscope Oscilloscope
breadboard Breadboard

Values added to observation!

Resistance added!

Capactiance added!



  1. Select the required circuit.
  2. Enter values of resistance and capacitance and press 'OK' button for both.
  3. Click on the 'Add to Table' button to add values to the table.
  4. Click on the 'Observation' button to view the table.
  5. Click on the 'Turn on' button to check oscilloscope.
  6. Click on 'View Graph' button to check the graph
  7. Graph can be resized along the axes, corners and also zoomed in.
  8. Click on the 'Turn off' button to enter new values.
  9. The 'Show Result' button gives out the result of the current setup
Magnetic Field (mT) Hall Voltage (mV)
Capacitance(μC) Resistance(kΩ) Practical Frequency(kHz) Theoritical Frequency(kHz) Error(%)