To determine consistency of bitumen or the grade of the bitumen by penetration test.
Penetration Setup, Mould, Needle, Bunsen Burner, Water Bath.
The bituminous material is heated to a pouring temperature and is poured to the mould.
Place the sample in position. Adjust the needle to touch the surface of the sample.
Needle is in position with sample.
Make the pointer of the dial to read zero. Release the needle for exactly five seconds.
Trial No | Initial Reading(mm) | Final Reading(mm) | Penetration Value(mm) |
Move needle to initial position
Observation and Results.
Trial No | Initial Reading(mm) | Final Reading(mm) | Penetration Value(mm) |
Trial =
Both ends of the pipe must be trimmed to ensure parallel faces.
Both ends of the pipe must be trimmed to ensure parallel faces.