Note: Create a new process to start the simulation. Please refer to the dialog box during the experiment.

Transition states of the system

Waiting for I/O:
cpu: None
Map: -
Timer: -
Scheduling policy: None



Number of Ticks:


Scheduling Policy:
Select a scheduling policy for the experiment

Generate External Events

Undo & Redo

Dialog box

Please select a scheduling policy before starting the experiment.
This experiment aims to show the importance of the scheduling mechanism in process management.

Similar to that of context switching, the mechanism of scheduling is also a part of 'Process Management Subsystem'.

However, while context switching is responsible to store, restore and load the new context on the Central Processing Unit (CPU), scheduling is responsible for selecting or handing the over the next process ready to be executed on the CPU. See more...

The mechanism of scheduling is a kernel process which selects a process from the ready queue and hands it over to the CPU.

Based on the scheduling process used by the OS like FCFS, SJF, Round Robin etc, a process is selected from the ready queue after the completion of the currently executing process or by preempting the current process.

This selected process is then ut on the CPU with the help of context switching mechanism and then starts its on the CPU.

See more...