Heat transfer by Natural Convection


To calculate heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer rate from vertical cylinder in natural convection.


Diameter, d = 44mm

Length t = 500mm


T1 (°C) 10
T2 (°C) 10
T3 (°C) 10
T4 (°C) 10
T5 (°C) 10
T6 (°C) 10
T7 (°C) 10
T8 (°C) 10

Temperature Gradient

Move the cursor to the graph to see the points

Please enter a value rounded upto two decimal points

Volumetric coefficient
β = 1Tm


Grashof number
L3.β.g.(Ts - Ta) γ 2

γ = 1.846*10 -5

Gr =

Nusselt Number,

Nu = 0.53(Ra) 1/4 if Ra < 10 5
0.56(Ra) 1/4 if 10 5 < Ra < 10 8
0.13(Ra) 1/3 if 10 8 < Ra < 10 12

Ra = Gr.Pr .... Pr = 0.697

Nu =

heat transfer coefficient,

h = Nu.k L

k = 0.02861

h =

W/m2 K

Heat transfer rate

Qc = h.A.(Ts - Ta)

A = π.Ds.L

Qc =