Start IDDFS: Click the Start IDDFS button after selecting the Start Vertex from any existing nodes to start the algorithm.
Next: Progress through the algorithm steps by clicking the Next button.
Autoplay: Enable Autoplay to automatically cycle through the algorithm steps.
Clear: Use the Clear button to remove the entire graph.
Clear Visited: Click Clear Visited to reset all nodes to their initial unvisited state.
Tree Depth: Use Tree Depth to delete the current graph and draw a new tree based on the specified depth input.
Create Node: Add a new node by clicking on an empty area within the graph.
Move Node: Drag a node to change its position on the graph.
Remove Node: Right click on a node to remove it from the graph
Create Edge: Form an edge by selecting one node and then clicking another node.
Remove Edge: Eliminate an edge by selecting one node and then clicking an adjacent node.
Color Coding: Nodes are color-coded as Green for unvisited, Orange for the frontier, and Black for visited, Grey for nodes exceeding the current depth limit.
The current node is identified by a Black outline.
Information: Refer to the Information section for the Frontier, the current node (Visiting), the next node (To Visit), and the current Depth Limit
Question: Answer the question in the Question section and click on Submit to proceed to the next step of the algorithm.
It will only proceed if the correct answer is given. Otherwise, "Wrong answer, try again " will be displayed.
After 3 incorrect attempts, a hint may be given. After 5 incorrect attempts, the correct answer will be displayed. At the 7th incorrect attempt, the algorithm will proceed regardless of the answer.
Adding of nodes and edges temporarily disabled until algorithm stops.
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