Performance Characteristics of Hydraulic Ram


To conduct the performance test on hydraulic ram and to plot the operating characteristics.

Apparatus used:

Hydraulic Ram setup, Useful Water Tank, Waste Water Tank, Stop Watch, Measuring Scale etc.

 Description Suction Head: Suction head is the term used to describe liquid pressure at pump suction in terms of height of liquid column.

Devivery Head: is defined as the work that needs to be performed by the pump to pump the medium with reference to a defined unit of weight.

Total Dynamic Head (TDH): is the total equivalent height that a fluid is to be pumped, taking into account friction losses in the pipe.

Actual Discharge: The actual discharge of an axial piston pump is usually defined as the difference between the theoretical pump discharge and the total leakage.

Rankines Efficiency: is defined based on the fact that q amount of water is lifted by a height (h2 - h1 = h) by utilizing (Q-q) amount of water.

Both ends of the pipe must be trimmed to ensure parallel faces.