  • Start: Initiates the simulation with the chosen settings. The default speed is 1x.
  • Speed Control: Adjust the simulation speed using the slider provided.
  • Next: Proceed to the next step in the simulation.
  • Reset: Resume the simulation to its current state.
  • Grid Size: Modify the grid size using the dropdown menu.
  • Animation: The grid animates the current positions of the queens on the board.
  • Question: Questions will be provided in the question box in between iterations. You cannot move forward is the question is answered incorrectly. If the question is answered correctly, the question box vanishes and you can click Next to continue.
  • Hint: After 3 wrong answers a hint will be provided.
  • Color Coding: The square to which the current move is being made is coloured Green. Squares highlighted Red require a question to be answered corresponding to that square.
  • Heuristic: On each square in a particular column, the number represents the heuristic value of the board if the queen in that column was moved to that position.
  • Best Heuristic Value (BHV):The best heuristic value out of all possible board configurations.
  • Best State: If there are multiple states present with BHV, choose the row closest to the current row when the rows are traversed in a cyclic order starting from the current row.
  Sideways Move

At every iteration, the heuristic value is calculated for every possible postion of the queen in a particular column for each column. The queen position with the lowest heuristic value is then chosen to move to. If multuple positions have the same value, a random position is chosen


Local Minima


