Step0 : Glasswares and instruments required
Conical Flask
Micro pipetteBeaker
Volumetric Flask
Step0 : Chemical reagents/solutions required
Step1 : Select the water sample
Step2 : Pipette out 25 ml water in a conical flask
pipette out liquid
pour liquid
Step3 : Add 1 ml ammonia buffer solution in the conical flask to
adjust pH (10±0.1) of the sample
click to suck liquid
click to pour liquid
Step4 : Add 2-3 drops of EBT indicator in the sample conical flask
click to suck indicator(EBT)
click to pour liquid
Step5 : Titrate the sample with 0.01M standard EDTA solution until
the wine red color changes permanently into blue color
click to place funnel
click to pour in dye
click to remove funnel
click to place flask
start titration
stop titration
Titration Complete
Step6 : Observation and result
Step7 : Inference
Experiment Completed.