
Frequency Response of Few Systems


To visualize the frequency response of an LTI system, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a system from the drop-down menu in the central box
  2. Enter the parameter values required to adjust the frequency response
  3. Click on the "Check" button to display the plot in the figures

The "Parameter 1" and "Parameter 2" for the systems correspond to the following listed parameters:

System Parameter 1 Parameter 2
Low Pass Cutoff Frequency -
High Pass Cutoff Frequency -
Band Pass Lower Cutoff Frequency Higher Cutoff Frequency
Band Stop Lower Cutoff Frequency Higher Cutoff Frequency

Parameter 1:  
Parameter 2:  

Working of LTI Systems


To visualize the working of an LTI system over known signals, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a signal from the drop-down menu in the left box
  2. Choose a system from the drop-down menu in the central box
  3. Enter the parameter values required to adjust the frequency response
  4. Click on the "Check" button to display the plot in the figures

The "Parameter 1" and "Parameter 2" for the systems correspond to the following listed parameters:

System Parameter 1 Parameter 2
Low Pass Cutoff Frequency -
High Pass Cutoff Frequency -
Band Pass Lower Cutoff Frequency Higher Cutoff Frequency
Band Stop Lower Cutoff Frequency Higher Cutoff Frequency

Parameter 1:  
Parameter 2:  

Choose the system which cannot be used


This section is designed to assess comprehension. The input signal consists of a sum of two sinusoids, and the output of an unknown linear time-invariant (LTI) system is provided. The objective is to determine which filter cannot be used to identify the system.

To check your answer, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a filter from the drop-down menu in the central box
  2. Click on the "Check" button to verify your answer

The Observations tab located at the bottom displays comments on whether the selected system is the correct choice.


Choose the system and Parameter


This section is designed to assess understanding, provide feedback, and run simulations on randomly generated inputs. An input signal and the output of an unknown LTI system are provided. The objective is to identify a system and provide parameters for the system that could possibly convert the given input to the given output.

To check your answer and receive feedback, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a filter from the drop-down menu in the central box
  2. Fill in the required parameter(s)
  3. Click on the "Check" button to verify your answer

Please note that multiple solutions may be possible here

The Observations tab located at the bottom displays comments on whether your designed system works as required.

Parameter 1:  
Parameter 2:  