    Quick theory overview:
  • In standard array construction, we divide all possible 2n vectors into 2k disjoint subsets such that there is exactly one codeword in each subset.
  • For completing the jth row, identify a vector of minimum weight that has not appeared in the rows 1 to j-1. This vector is chosen as the coset leader.
  • The remaining entries in the jth row are obtained by adding the coset leader to the codeword corresponding to each column.

  • Enter the coset leader in the first field and click on Submit.
  • The correctness of the entered coset leader is displayed in Observations.
  • If the answer is correct, the corresponding row in the standard array table gets filled.
  • Proceed to the next row and repeat the same procedure for the next coset leader.
  • You can enter the coset leader in a field only if the coset leader in the previous row has been entered correctly.
  • Once you have entered all the coset leaders correctly, the standard array table will be complete.
  • Next - Displays the next example.
  • Previous - Displays the previous example.
  • Reset - Resets the standard array table.

Enter the coset leaders in the given fields in order to complete the standard array table.

00000 10101 11000 00111 01101 10010 01010 11111
