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Virtual Labs
IIT Kharagpur



  1. Before starting the process read the instructions completely
  2. Choose the Arc Voltage (in Volts) of any Real Value between 16 and 21
  3. Choose the Arc Speed (in mm/min) of any Real Value between 0.3 and 0.5
  4. Choose the Arc Current (in Ampere) of any Real Value between 320 and 400
  5. Click on Submit button
  6. Observe the plot and hover the mouse on plot for the weld bead dimensions i.e., reinforcement height, penetrationdepth, and bead width obtained, for the chosen weld parameters

Enter the values

Arc Voltage
(in Volts):
Note: Choose any Real Value between 16 and 21
Arc Speed
(in mm/min):
Note: Choose any Real Value between 0.3 and 0.5
Arc Current
(in Ampere):
Note:Choose any Real Value between 320 and 400