  1. Click on "Start the Experiment" button.
  2. In step 1, select components from the dropdown button "Choose the PCR reaction components for thawing on ice"
  3. In step 2, click on "Preparation of PCR mixture" button.
  4. In step 3, click on "Incubation of the PCR reaction mixture in a thermal cycler" button. Then click on "Open" button to open the thermal cycler. To placed the PCR mixture in the cell plate, click on the PCR mixture tube.
  5. After PCR mixture tube is placed in the cell plate, click on "Close" button to close the thermal cycler.
  6. Click on "Run" button of Thermal Cycler for PCR amplification. The schematic representaion of PCR amplification will be appear on right side.
Note: To repeat the experiment, click on the "Re-Do the Experiment" button.
Input panels
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

thermal-cycler Cell plate
Thermal cycle top