Click on Components button for components to pop up.
Click on the component, drag them to the test bench and place them as shown in the experiment setup.
After placing the components on the test bench, connect the wires accordingly.
To check your connections click on "Check Connections" button.
If your connections are correct then you may continue to take down the readings, if not then click on
"Reset Button" and try it again.
Move the "Beam Voltage" knob and set it to 250 or above to record your readings.
Toggle the switch button and move the "Reflector Voltage" knob to set the reflector voltage to maximum
negative value.
As soon as you start varying the reflector voltage you will observe a waveform on CRO.
Keep varying the "Reflector voltage" till you get square waveform on CRO.
As soon as you observe square waveform(at 150, 164, 199, 233) on CRO, count the division covered by the square waveform.
Note down the number of division in input box for V1.
Click on "Add to table" button to record the readings for V1, Beam Voltage and Reflector Voltage.
Click on "Print" button to print your current page (readings and connections) or to save your page
(readings and connections) in a PDF form.
Click on "Next" button.