1. Problem 1:

    A number is called perfect, if the sum of all its proper divisors is the number itself. Write a program to test, whether a given number is perfect or not. The first perfect number is 6, because 1, 2, and 3 are its proper positive divisors and 1 + 2 + 3 = 6.

    Input Specification

    Input contains a single positive integer(< 10^10) (Use long long for the number)

    Output Specification

    Output "YES" or "NO" (quotes for clarity) corresponding to whether the number in input is perfect or not

    Sample Input and Output

    Input: 28
    Output: YES
    Input: 16
    Output: NO

  2. Problem 2:

    Interestingly, every positive rational number can be expressed in the form q + 1/E. where q is a non-negative integer and E is either the number 1 or an expression of the same form as above. We call such an expression a continued fraction. For eg., 239/51 is equivalent to 239/51 = 4 + 1/(1+(1/2+(1/(5+1/(2+(1/1)))))) Write a program which takes two integers (eg. 239 and 51) and output a set of integers (eg. 4 1 2 5 2 ) which are the sequence of q's until E becomes 1. For another example for 27 and 10 Output 2 1 2 2.

    Input Specification

    Input contains 2 positive integers separated by a space.

    Output Specification

    Output a set of integers which are the sequence of q's until E becomes 1, the set of integers must be separated by spaces.

    Sample Input and Output

    Input: 239 51
    Output: 4 1 2 5 2
    Input: 27 10
    Output: 2 1 2 2